This is what happens when you put cotton buds into your ear. You're making things worse.

Share to that your stubborn neighbor that argues that it is sweet.
Leave your ears alone. The wax is not "dirt" as you think. it's actually there to protect your inner and trap dirt and germs. Removing it puts your ear at risk.

When you chew or talk the wax is pushed to the outside.

You may think you're cleaning it, but you're actually pushing the wax further into your ear.

After a while, it gets impacted and difficult to move.

Then you go the hospital and pay money to get it flushed out and it may even lead to ear infections

We'll be waiting.
Ear wax is not dirt
Ear wax is not dirt
Ear wax is not dirt
Ear wax is not dirt

Without it, your ear canal would become dry and prone to infection, leave it alone. It's there for a reason.

The only thing that should enter your ear is your elbow

They that have ears should hear


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